Why Gambling Should Be Legal Essay

Another good reason why gambling should be legalized is because people can make a ton of money. If people would be smart about things they could maximizes their profits. These people are called pros. Professional poker players, like Johnny Moss, make all their money from playing cards. Gambling, if done right, can be easy pickings for people. Legalizing gambling is thought to bring in many bad things along with it. People are going to continue to gamble whether it is legal or not. Making gambling illegal does more harm than good. If we legalize gambling, we would be helping our economy and those in need.

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Since the negative consequences of gambling surpass the positive ones gambling should be banned. In fact, there are several reasons that indicate why gambling shouldn’t be legalized comprising debts issues, depression, addiction, and political corruption. Thus the loss accompanying gambling way more exceeds the financial profit that an individual or a group of people might gain. Therefore I strongly disagree with the legalization of gambling. Gambling should be banned because it might turn into an obsession and consequently lead to debts very quickly.

Why Gambling Should Be Legal Essay Questions

Basically the loss associated with gambling far outweighs any profit, since one is more likely to loose the money he or she has invested. Likewise, legalizing gambling can even affect young children. Thus since gambling might supply a person with great number of money easily; young children may follow the incorrect path quickly. In fact the expense of gambling obsession alone way more surpasses profits. Thus not only adults are becoming addicted to gambling but also young children.

For instance, according to a recent Reader’s Digest article “Today, more kids gamble than are involved with drugs, smoking or drinking” (Mar.2001, p. 160).

Why Should We Legalize Gambling

Yet, even though it is prohibited for children to play gambles, reports indicate that in states such as Texas and Louisiana about one-third of adolescents buy tickets. Likewise such gambling addiction might eventually lead to depression as well. For instance if one lost all his money by investing it in a game of chance, depression issues might arise. Another reason to prohibit banning might be due to the fact that gambling might turn out to be a moral issue. Citizens should be stimulated for better things rather than gambling.

Gambling unquestionably may cause a lot of income, but this is matter of luck. Yet, legalizing gambling will make people loose their money in hope of earning money the easier way. In fact, allowing gambling might even entice individuals who never gambled before. Thus, people gamble for diverse reasons. While some hope to gain a great number of money with little effort, others, especially problem gamblers, seek pleasure and excitement by games, and so feel a heroin-induced haste when long tension, anticipating ones game’s outcome, is announced.

In fact , some gamblers value this such state of excitement more than the money they might win. Likewise, some claim that gambling is just a hobby as is regarded as a form of entertainment. Thus if everyone started to gamble and give up their occupations, the world would eventually need people to work in serious jobs other than gambling. Furthermore gambling might lead individuals to instigate criminal actions. In fact many people who became addicted to gambling fail to reason shrewdly before taking any decision.

This happens because their obsession forces one to invest a great number of money in gambling. Accordingly, this might make one reach a stage in which he or she cannot halt himself or herself from risking money or possessions. Consequently, gambling might lead to debts as mentioned before. Likewise the ones who usually start gambling, are the ones who give up their work, ruining their lives. Thus, gambling should not be legalized but rather should be banned. Accordingly through the use of edicts and rules gambling might be hindered.

Furthermore punishments should be implemented on the ones who gamble which in turn might reduce the number of people who gamble. So basically through the use of order and penalties, gambling might one day be reduced or even stopped.

Why Gambling Should Be Legal Essay Example

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Should gambling be legalized. (2017, Apr 27). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/should-gambling-be-legalized-2-essay

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Gambling is the risking of money or other possessions that’s mostly depends on chance and luck, even tough some forms of gambling may be influenced by skills. Some stereotypical forms of gambling are found in casinos they include: roulette, blackjack, craps, poker, slots and many others. Nevertheless, there are other forms of gambling that people would not even consider them so such as playing the lottery.
Gambling has been very popular since the beginning of time when people would use instruments of divination in order to try to predict the outcomes of important events such as wars. These devices were very similar to the ones we use for gambling today (Gambling). Gambling continues to be quite
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Why Gambling Should Be Legal Essay Questions


Why Gambling Should Be Legal Essay

However, gambling is not the evil monster that many believe it is. Gambling can be helpful to the economy in many ways. Building casinos helps to create more jobs. Casinos also serve as attractions to bring in tourists therefore increasing the wealth of the city. For example, has established a major industry in cities such as Las Vegas, which legalized gambling in 1931, and Atlantic City which legalized gambling in 1978; and some Native American reservations as well. Another popular form is the lottery that is used in numerous states in the US leaving gross revenue of over 20 billion dollars (Gambling). This can also be beneficiary because the money from the taxes goes to help the public. Many people do not want to legalize gambling because they think that it would bring in crime, but crime will be present in spite of whether gambling is legalized or not. Cities who have made gambling illegal have as much of a problem with crime as cities who have an economy that is based on gambling. Another assumption is that it will encourage people to become compulsive gamblers causing them to lead unhappy lives by wasting the little money that they have. However people will gamble if they really want to whether it is legal or not. People can easily place bets on sports games or card games; they do not necessarily have to go to a casino in order to gamble.
Legalizing gambling is thought to bring in many bad things along with it. People are