Casino War Odds Of Winning

What is Online Casino War?

Online Casino War is an easy to understand card game that is made up of chance and skill. It is played between you as the player and the Dealer using six standard decks of 52 cards, with each deck being shuffled after every game. As with Blackjack and Baccarat, the winning odds in Casino War are exceptionally high and the amount of money that you can win can make playing this game a very lucrative pastime indeed.

How to Play Casino War Online

The most important thing to remember when playing Casino War is that there are different bets that you can place, and these are known as:

The Ace is the highest denomination card in Casino War. The Casino War strategy here is to consider the intervals at which the dealer is laying out Aces. If you have not seen an Ace in a while, it will show up soon, and once you get it, you are at a win or a tie. Of course, you can never be.

  • Ante Bet
  • Raise Bet
  • Tie Bet.

To start the game both the Dealer and the Player are dealt one card each. Card ranking is of the utmost importance in Casino war and the card with the highest ranking wins. The immediate goal of the game is to place a bet on your hand having the highest ranking card, however you can also bet on a tie if you wish. In the event of a tie, you’ll have the opportunity to surrender your hand and forfeit half the Ante. It must also be remembered however that depending on your Casino War strategy you can also go to war by raising the bet to play an additional hand.

Microgaming Casino War Payout Table

For your convenience we have included the Microgaming Casino War payout tables below:

Hand Combination without Tie Bet



Player's Hand Wins


2x the Ante

Tie and Player wins second hand


2x Ante + 1x Raise

Tie and Player surrenders


Half of Ante

Tie and Tie


Ante Bonus + 1x Raise.
Ante Bonus = 2x Ante + original Ante

Hand Combination with Tie Bet



Player's Hand Wins


2x the Ante

Tie and Player loses second hand


10x Tie Bet + original Tie Bet

Tie and Player wins second hand

10:1 Tie
1:1 Ante

10x Tie Bet + original Tie Bet + 2x Ante + 1x Raise

Tie and Player surrenders


10x Tie Bet + original Tie Bet + half of Ante

Tie and Tie

10:1 Tie
2:1 Ante

10x Tie Bet + original Tie Bet + Ante Bonus + 1x Raise.
Note: Ante Bonus = 2x Ante + original Ante

Casino War is a simple game based on a simple idea: whoever gets the higher card wins. But even in a simple game like Casino War, there are better ways and worse ways of playing. These practical tips will help make you a better Casino War player and improve your odds of winning at Casino War.

Never Surrender!

Odds Of Winning In Vegas

Casino War Odds Of Winning

When you and the dealer receive the same value card in online Casino War, you are given a choice: Surrender and lose half your bet, or Raise and go to War, in which case an additional bet equal to your original Ante bet will be placed on the virtual Casino War table, three cards will be discarded or “burnt”, you and the dealer will each receive one additional card, and the higher card wins at Casino War.

Casino war odds of winning numbers

Before making your decision, ask yourself one very important question: Why am I here in the online casino in the first place?

Most likely, you are in the online casino for two reasons: to have fun and to win money.

Now surrendering in Casino War is not fun. To the contrary, it is quite boring. You click the Surrender button, you forfeit half your bet, and the game is over, and that’s all there is. Nor can you win money if you surrender. Granted, losing half your bet is not as bad as losing your entire bet, but still, losing is losing and it is not winning. So you really get nothing out of your Casino War game if you surrender.

But everything is different if you go to War. Fun? As you place your additional bet, and as the three cards are burnt, and as the additional cards are dealt, you can feel your heart pounding, the suspense building, and the Casino War excitement rising. This is what fun in the online casino is all about.

And, of course, choosing Raise gives you a chance to win at Casino War. Of course, winning is not guaranteed, but going to War does give you a fair chance to win, and a fair chance is all you can ask for in online casino gambling.

Don’t Bet on a Tie

Casino Games With Best Odds


The Tie bet is a very tempting option when you play Casino War online. If you make the bet and the cards tie, you win a 10-to-1 payout, and a 10-to-1 payout is a very exciting inducement. Nevertheless, the best Casino War strategy is to resist the temptation and avoid betting on a Tie.

Remember, after you receive your card, there are thirteen possible card denominations that the dealer could receive and only one of them will enable you to win the Tie bet. So for every thirteen games of Casino War, you are likely to lose the Tie bet in twelve of them. Even the occasional 10-to-1 payout cannot make up for those twelve lost bets. Betting on a Tie is not a good way to win at Casino War.

Be a Casino Warrior!

Being a Casino Warrior means focusing on one thing and one thing only: Winning! Never surrender! Never bet on a Tie! Just concentrate on winning at Casino War. That’s the way to have the most fun, and that’s the way to have the best chance of coming out ahead in this simple yet exciting online casino game.

Casino War Odds Of Winning Money

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